Wednesday, November 6, 2013


FTU scrap kit by Candy's Treats
 "Shades of Grey" 
Tube of choice
I used a FTU tube from Zindy Nielsen
AL Serenade

This tutorial assumes you have
working knowledge of PSP.
I am using PSP 9 but I'm sure
any version would work.
This tutorial is mine and no one's else's
Any similarity to another is simply
co-incidence and not done purposely.

Let's Begin
Make a 650x650px canvas.
You may crop and resize later I just
like a little extra space to work with.
Choose cluster frame 3
Copy and paste as new layer
arrange so that frame is in the center
choose magic wand and click
in center of left frame
modify and expand by 4
copy and paste paper 6
or one of your choice
resize paper 70%
making sure resize all layers is not checked
arrange in the position that you like
invert and delete
select none
move paper layer behind frame layer
choose magic wand and click inside right frame
modify and expand by 4
copy and paste paper 9
resize paper 70%
arrange the way looks nice to you
invert, delete
select none
drop shadow of your choice
on the frame
I used 2V 4H 50O 7B
copy and paste element 19
resize 70%
move towards top in between frames
see tag for placement
drop shadow
copy and paste element 22
resize 55%
move underneath heart
drop shadow
copy and paste element 15
resize 50%
move underneath star
arrange so that it's centered between the frames
drop shadow
copy and paste element 3
resize 90%
move layer to bottom of tag beneath
the cluster frame
arrange to your liking
drop shadow

Now for the tube...
I used a gorgeous FTU tube from one
of my favorite artists Zindy Nielsen
but you may use whatever tube
you wish.
Copy and paste tube
resize 65 %
arrange in whatever spot
looks good to you
choose the magic wand
click in the middle of left frame
modify and expand by 4
invert, delete
select none
move behind frame
copy and paste tube again
resize 65%
arrange how you like
choose the magic wand
click inside the middle of right frame
invert, delete
select none
drop shadow both
tube layers
you may add whatever elements you like
when done merge all layers
now add your name
artist copyright, save as a png and your done.
Make sure when and if you resize the tag that you
adjust and sharpen otherwise the tag
may be blurry.
Thanks for doing my tutorial I would love to see
your results.